Implications of TMF and QuEST Programs to Global Standardization Activities on Internet QoS in the Era of Digital Convergence

ITU-T와 IETF의 NGN 중심의 디지털 컨버전스 시대의 인터넷 QoS 가치사슬과 관련된 글로벌 표준화 활동

  • Kim, Do-Hoon (College of Business Administration, Kyung Hee University)
  • Published : 2007.09.30


Our society is increasingly dependent on the Internet, and this trend will be accelerating in the ear of All-IP convergence. As the core infrastructure of the All-IP convergence, the next generation Internet should enable end-to-end Quality of Service(e2e QoS). For that purpose, major international standardization institutes such as ITU(International Telecommunication Union) and IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force) are building the concept and architecture of the Next Generation Network(NGN). However, these institutes focus only on technical issues, and leave many business/policy-oriented challenges unresolved. For example, the standards raised by ITU assume that the entire service delivery process for e2e QoS services is perfectly working. But required is a standardized business interface and process for seamless inter-operations across many stakeholders including ISPs(Internet Service Providers), CPs(Content Providers), so on. On the other hand, TMF(TeleManagement Forum) and QuEST(Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunication) Forum, global consortiums of telecom operators and vendors, present sets of interface rules and process which playa crucial role as de facto standards: for example, NGOSS/eTOM and TL9000 authorization system. However, these standards focus on telephone services, and provide little principle for the next generation Internet. Our study seeks a way to combine these two strains for a successful implementation of NGN. In particular, we find a missing link in the NGN architecture and the elements that could be complemented with the help of NGOSS/eTOM and TL9000. Finally, presented is a strategic direction that our standardization policy should purse in order to reinforce our global leadership for the next generation Internet.



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