인간 친화적 설계 시스템을 위한 디지털 인체 모델 구성 연구

Digital Human Modeling for Human-centered CAD System

  • 정문기 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부) ;
  • 이건우 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부) ;
  • 조현덕 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부) ;
  • 김태우 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부) ;
  • ;
  • 이상헌 (국민대학교 기계자동차공학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


The purpose of this research is to develop the Human-centered CAD system in which human factors can be considered during the design stage. For this system there are several issues to research, like the digital human modeling technology, the definition of interactions between human and product, the simulation of human motion when using the product, and the bio-mechanical analysis of human, etc. This paper introduces how to construct the kinematical structure of the digital human model. For our digital human model H-ANIM, the international specification of humanoid animation is referenced. And we added the skeleton geometry and the skin surfaces to our model. And it can manipulate its joints by forward kinematics. Also the IKAN inverse kinematics algorithm is adopted to support the posture prediction of the digital human model in the product environment. All of these ideas are implemented using CAD API so that we can apply these functions to the current commercial CAD systems. In this manner, the human factor issues can be effectively taken into account at the early design phase and the costs of bio-mechanical evaluation will be significantly reduced.



  1. Xudong Zhang and Don B. Chaffin, 'Digital Human Modeling for Computer-aided Ergonomics', Handbook of Occupational Ergonomics, CRC Press, 2005
  2. Biomechanics Research Group Inc., http://www.life-modeler.com/
  3. ADAMS(Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems), http://www.mscsoftware.com/products/adams.cfm/
  4. SIMM(Software for Interactive Musculoskeletal Modeling), http://www.musculographics.com/
  5. SD/FAST, http://www.sdfast.com/
  6. RAMSIS(Realistic Anthropometrical Mathematical System for Interior-comfort Simulation), http://www.human-solutions.com/
  7. SAFEWORK, http://www.safework.com/safework_pro/sw_pro.html/
  8. JACK, http://www.ugs.com/products/tecnomatix/human_performance/jack/
  9. CATIA V5 Human Solutions, http://www.3ds.com/products-solutions/plm-solutions/catia/overview/
  10. H-ANIM, http://h-anim.org/
  11. IKAN (Inverse Kinematics using Analytical Methods), http://cg.cis.upenn.edu/hms/software/ikan/ikan.html/
  12. SolidWorks and Add-Ins API Help, SolidWorks 2005, http://www.solidworks.com/
  13. ANYBODY, http://www.anybodytech.com/