• Elias, Federico (Instituto de Astronomia. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) ;
  • Silich, Sergiy (Instituto Nacional de Astroffsica Optica y Electronica) ;
  • Franco, Jose (Instituto de Astronomia. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Here we analyze if the ionized shells associated with giant HII regions represent the progenitors of the larger neutral hydrogen supershells detected in the Milky Way and other spiral and dwarf irregular galaxies. We calculate the evolutionary tracks that 12 HII shells found by Relano et al. (2005, 2007) would have if they expanded into the interstellar medium because of multiple supernovae explosions occurring inside the cavity. We find, contrary to Relano et al. (2007), that the evolutionary tracks of these HII shells are inconsistent with the observed parameters of the largest and most massive neutral hydrogen supershells. Thus, an additional energy source to the multiple supernovae explosions is required in order to explain the origin of the most massive neutral hydrogen shells.



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