고대 이스라엘 식품 재료에 관한 고찰

Food Materials of Ancient Israel

  • 채영철 (울산과학대학 호텔조리과)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


This study was conducted to research the differences in food ingredients in the ancient Israelite period in the books of Moses, including the books of Geneses through Deuteronomy, in the Old Testament written during B.C $1446{\sim}1406$. The books introduced various foods in daily life, such as seven kinds of fruits and nuts, thirteen kinds of vegetables and grains, twelve kinds of meats, six kinds of breads and cookies, five kinds of drinks, thirteen kinds of spices, and five kinds of processed foods like butter and oil. The foods were sharply distinguished between the clean (able to eat) and the unclean (unable to eat) in the aspect of food culture. For example, foods with blood were not allowed to be eaten. At that time, bread was a staple food in Israel. There were already standard recipes for baking cookies, and appliances such as frying pans and ovens to bake bread were available. Most of the recipes in the books were the same as modern recipes, especially for wine, grape juice and raisins. Also it seems there were various spices already in use at that time, as well as processed foods made from milk.
