디지털시대 영상물의 새로운 조건과 정의

New Conditions and Definition of Images in Digital Era

  • 장지헌 (서울예술대학 방송영상과)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


The meaning of images are changed rapidly by a time, and the images' social function and skills are different by times. Nowadays, the reasons to have different meanings of images are the different ways of representation and reproduction of images by new digital technologies. However, the images are communicating with each other, and the image makers should have responsibility to represent the images. Also, the images should be concerned in social, cultural context, and focused on positive ways to represent. It is hard to predict the future of images, but people shouldn't be controled by manipulated digital images. Therefore, image makers need to have right ethics and morals in digital era not to be controled by commercial enterprises.
