Research on Current Execution of Customer Support Knowledge Management System of Medical Appliances Industry

  • Chung, Yi-Chan (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology) ;
  • Tsai, Chih-Hung (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology) ;
  • Tien, Shiaw-Wen (Graduate Institute of Management of Technology Chung-Hua University) ;
  • Lin, Lin-Yi (Graduate Institute of Management of Technology Chung-Hua University)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Customer Support Knowledge of Customer Support Organization is one of the important assets of enterprises and "Customer Support Knowledge Management" is also the critical aspect of Business Knowledge Management; however, the attributes of Customer Support Knowledge are complicated, diverse, renewed rapidly and difficult to be managed. Thus, in order to design a successful Customer Support Knowledge Management System, apart from the consideration of "human" and "information technology" aspects, the concerns of attributes and Customer Support Knowledge and industry characteristics should be involved for meeting the requirements of Customer Support Organization and allowing the organization to acquire the competitive advantage of "Differentiation Service". This research used the "Customer Support Knowledge Management System" in a high-tech industry as an example and treated the end users of medical instruments in different types of hospitals in Taiwan which have received the support service of our company in recent six months as the population. The end users were mostly the nursing executives or ultrasonic wave technical personnel in intensive care unit and they had similar educational background and incomes and adopted the medical instruments such as physical supervision system, ultrasonic wave system, heart start or ECG machine produced by our company; the research method was to randomly treat the investigation results of the telephone customers' satisfaction from respective 30 end users in the population three months before and after this system execution as the samples and use hypotheses to validate if the end users' customer satisfaction significantly improved in terms of "Remote Support," "On-site Support," "Service Turn Around time," "Technical Competence" and "Manner" in order to understand the influence and managerial significance of execution of "Customer Support Knowledge Management System" on Customer Support Organization.



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