보건대학원 사이버 수업에서의 문제중심학습

Web-based PBL (Problem Based Learning) in Graduate School of Public Health Courses

  • Yoon, Soo-Jin (Yonsei University International Cyber Graduate School of Public Health) ;
  • Hokama, Tomiko (Graduate School of Health Sciences, University of the Ryukyus) ;
  • Ho, Seung-Hee (Yonsei University International Cyber Graduate School of Public Health) ;
  • Kim, Min-Kyung (Yonsei University International Cyber Graduate School of Public Health) ;
  • Chae, Young-Moon (Yonsei University International Cyber Graduate School of Public Health)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


Objectives: This paper is aimed to study the satisfaction level and course effects of web-based PBL of the Graduate school of Public Health. Methods: Web-based PBL was implemented from March 1 to June 22 on 19 students and a survey on the satisfaction level of the lessons was taken and analyzed. For the analysis, SAS 9.1 was carried out. Results: The relation of effectiveness of the lessons according to the satisfaction level of each evaluation items, shows a significance according to satisfaction of professors, whether or not the students were satisfied in evaluating themselves (correlation, p<0.05). The satisfaction level of the evaluation on teachers and whether or not the students were satisfied in evaluating themselves shows significant influence on the effectiveness of the lessons (simple regression, p<0.05), more specifically in active class participation and understanding by the students themselves (stepwise multiple regression, p<0.05). Conclusions: In this study the attitudes of professors and students toward the lessons are major influences on the effectiveness of the lessons. Specifically, active class participation and understanding by the students themselves are the most important influences.



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