대구광역시 지방의제 21의 분석과 평가

Analysis and Evaluation of Local Agenda 21 of Daegu City

  • 송문곤 (대구가톨릭대학교 환경과학과) ;
  • 우형택 (대구가톨릭대학교 환경과학과)
  • Song, Mun-Kon (Department of Environmental Science, Catholic University of Daegu) ;
  • Woo, Hyung-Taek (Department of Environmental Science, Catholic University of Daegu)
  • 발행 : 2007.01.31


The main purpose of this study was to comprehensively evaluate the local agenda 21 of Daegu City based on the evaluation model and propose important measures to solve its problems and improve the limitations. As a whole, the evaluation result of the local agenda 21 of Daegu City showed very low score, only 151 points out of 500 points and revealed it was below the level in all three domains of making process, designed content, and evaluation of implementation. The making process got only score below the half in all large indicators of under-standing, driving, and rationality. This unsystematic and irrational process inevitably resulted in ambiguous and proclamatory content mainly expressing willingness to do. This fact means that the local agenda 21 of Daegu City has not served as the comprehensive local environmental plan containing visions, policies, ends and means. It did not suggest evaluation system and institutionalization of evaluation. These results of evaluation suggested that the existing local agenda 21 of Daegu City was neither useful nor effective and thus the totally new local agenda 21 should be prepared. Finally, important measures in making process, designed content and evaluation of implementation were proposed for the remaking.



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