생물학적 통풍법 공정관리를 위한 원위치 토양가스 관측정 개발

Development of In-Situ Soil Gas Monitoring Well for Managing the Bioventing Performance

  • Yu, Chan (Dept. of Agricultural. Eng., Gyeongsang Natl' Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2007.01.31


Bioventing is commonly used for petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) spills. This process provides better subsurface oxygenation, thus stimulating degradation by indigenous microorganisms. Therefore soil vapor monitoring points (VMPs) are extremely important in determining the potential effectiveness of bioventing and in long-term monitoring of bioventing progress. In this study in-situ soil gas monitoring well (GMW) was developed and presented the pilot test results which recover the contaminated site by bioventing method. The result of application was successful and it was expected that GMW developed could be applied to the evaluation procedure of bioventing effectiveness and long-term remediation potential.



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