여성간병인 유니폼 개발을 위반 착의실태조사 -노인의료복지시설 여성간병인을 대상으로-

A Wearing Conditions of Caregivers' Uniform -Focusing on Women Caregivers in Medical Welfare Facilities for the Aged-

  • 이은영 (이화여자대학교 의류직물학과) ;
  • 김은경 (배화여자대학교 의상디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.01.31


The purpose of this study is to grasp the inconvenience and problems with caregivers' uniforms and preferred designs by examining the wearing conditions of these uniforms in medical welfare facilities for the aged. To attain this purpose, a questionnaire was completed by direct observation and by interviewing caregivers in specialized hospitals for the aged and those engaged in nursing and then a preliminary examination was carried out. The questionnaire was given to 228 caregivers. Following are the results of this research. It was found that the caregivers in medical welfare facilities for the aged were women in their 50s, wearing primarily a size 77 uniform. It was revealed that when the caregivers bathe patients, they usually get wet from the knees to the bottom part of their pants and many of them (61.2%) change both their tops and pants after giving a bath. The caregivers said that every part of the tops of existing uniforms, except the armpits, were a little large or too long. It turned out that the area of the armpits, the front buttons, crotch, hip area, and knees are mostly the areas that readily wear out in the uniforms. It was reported that the uncomfortable parts in the uniforms a.e the armpits, shoulders, and the front adjusting parts of the tops and the hips, thighs, and the crotches of the pants. The material for the uniforms have problems in ventilation, fluffing, absorption of sweat, and permeation of odor.



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