Underwater Image Preprocessing and Compression for Efficient Underwater Searches and Ultrasonic Communications

  • Kim, Dong-Hoon (Intelligent Machine Systems Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ;
  • Song, Jun-Yeob (Intelligent Machine Systems Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)
  • 발행 : 2007.01.01


We propose a preprocessing method for removing floating particles from underwater images based on an analysis of the image features. We compared baseline JPEG and wavelet codec methods to determine the method best suited for underwater images. The proposed preprocessing method enhanced the compression ratio and resolution, and provided an efficient means of compressing the images. The wavelet codec method yielded better compression ratios and image resolutions. The results suggest that the wavelet codec method linked with the proposed preprocess method provides an efficient codec processor and transmission system for underwater images that are used for searches and transmitted via ultrasonic communications.



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