Filling Holes in Large Polygon Models Using an Implicit Surface Scheme and the Domain Decomposition Method

  • Yoo, Dong-Jin (Department of Computer Aided Mechanical Design Engineering, Daejin University)
  • 발행 : 2007.01.01


A new approach based on implicit surface interpolation combined with domain decomposition is proposed for filling complex-shaped holes in a large polygon model, A surface was constructed by creating a smooth implicit surface from an incomplete polygon model through which the actual surface would pass. The implicit surface was defined by a radial basis function, which is a continuous scalar-value function over the domain $R^{3}$. The generated surface consisted of the set of all points at which this scalar function is zero. It was created by placing zero-valued constraints at the vertices of the polygon model. The well-known domain decomposition method was used to treat the large polygon model. The global domain of interest was divided into smaller domains in which the problem could be solved locally. The LU decomposition method was used to solve the set of small local problems; the local solutions were then combined using weighting coefficients to obtain a global solution. The validity of this new approach was demonstrated by using it to fill various holes in large and complex polygon models with arbitrary topologies.



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