• Son, M. (Department of Automotive Engineering, Graduate School, Hanyang University) ;
  • Lee, M. (Department of Automotive Engineering, Graduate School, Hanyang University) ;
  • Lee, K. (Automotive Control & Electronics Laboratory, Hanyang University) ;
  • SunWoo, M. (Department of Automotive Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Lee, S. (Hyundai Motor Company) ;
  • Lee, C. (Hyundai Motor Company) ;
  • Kim, W. (Hyundai Motor Company)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.01


The Variable Valve Timing(VVT) system for high performance is a key technology used in newly developed engines. The system realizes higher torque, better fuel economy, and lower emissions by allowing an additional degree of freedom in valve timing during engine operation. In this study, a model-based control method is proposed to enable a fast and precise VVT control system that is robust with respect to manufacturing tolerances and aging. The VVT system is modeled by a third-order nonlinear state equation intended to account for nonlinearities of the system. Based on the model, a controller is designed for position control of the VVT system. The sliding mode theory is applied to controller design to overcome model uncertainties and unknown disturbances. The experimental results suggest that the proposed sliding mode controller is capable of improving tracking performance. In addition, the sliding mode controller is robust to battery voltage disturbance.



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