Relationship Among Reproductive Traits and Brood Production Pattern of Caridean Shrimp, Palaemon gravieri (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae)

  • Published : 2007.08.31


Reproductive traits of Palaemon gravieri such as embryo size, number of embryo (fecundity), incubation period, larval development mode, larval development period, larval survival and larval growth were described and compared to analyze the correlation among those traits. Embryo volume is a primary factor determining other ensuing reproductive features. Egg volume was $0.042mm^3$ in the first developmental stage. Embryo volume in P. gravieri was comparatively small which is indicative of great number of embryo (y = 3.0161x + 0.0185 $R^2$ = 0.74 positive isometric relationship) and relatively long incubation period. Larvae survived from zoea 1 to post-larvae and it took 45 days at $22^{\circ}C$. Survival rate of the larvae was rather great in the early stage and thereafter steadily decreased. Daily growth rate of larvae in P. gravieri at $22^{\circ}C$ was 0.0195 mm on average. They grew steadily as time went by. Incubation period was between 10-14 days at $22^{\circ}C$. Larval development mode was almost complete planktotrophic. PNR (point of no return) appeared to be the third day on average. Survival rate of larvae without feeding declined rapidly between 3 and 4 days. Larval development period and stage frequency were 23-30 days and 11 stages which imply prolonged larval period and high mortality. The pattern of brood production followed fast successive parturial pattern. Most ovigerous female had mature ovary when they performed parturial molt soon after hatching (larval release).



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