모바일 LBS(Location-Based Service)응용 서비스의 사용자요인에 대한 실증적 연구

The Empirical Study on User Factor of LBS(Location-Based Service) Application Service in Mobile

  • 임기흥 (광주여자대학교 비서경영학과) ;
  • 박은아 (광주여자대학교 대학원 전자상거래)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Mobile service is highly becoming in the limelight on information society by offering infringement problem about individual privacy or information by political and scientific interest This study is focusing on primary LBS application Mobile service that emphasize position confirmation, especially, looking for friends. The aim at this study grasps user productivity factor of LBS application Mobile service, and analyses whether some have relations with value and action determination of LBS application Mobile service. According to result, Mobile service applying position service is supported with usefulness and system quality, adaptedness. On the other hand, Usability and social effect, privacy weren't embossed by leading person. Mobile service applying position service is changed with a person who have experience looking for friend. This study has systematically analysed about LBS application service by leading person



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