가상커뮤니티 활동성이 P2P서비스 이용도에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Activities in Virtual Communities on Usage of P2P Services

  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


As most of firms related with P2P services change their free services into fee-charging services, the problems of intellectual property rights are solved to satisfactory extent. Accordingly, P2P systems become more popular with the general public. In this respect, it is thought to be very important to research on the critical factors affecting usage of P2P systems. Although it is strongly expected that the characteristics of users activities in virtual communities affect the intention to re-use P2P systems, relatively few attention have been paid to this question. Therefore, this paper is to present empirical evidence to explain how the characteristics of users activities in virtual communities affect re-use intention of P2P services. The theoretical contribution of this study is that the characteristics of users activities in virtual communities is theoretically derived from the comprehensive literature review and the logical reasoning, and that the research model of the relationship between the users activities' characteristics in virtual community and the re-use intention of P2P services is proposed and empirically validated, which is expected to expand explaining power of the TAM(Technological Acceptance Model). Also, the practical implication is to provide the guideline to support the successful strategic planning for development and.operation of P2P services through the virtual communities.



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