4년령의 중성화한 수컷 코커 스파니엘이 후지 마비와 진전 때문에 내원 하였다. 본 환축은 X-ray와 MRI를 이용하여 추간판탈출증이 합병된 척수연화증으로 진단되었다. 환축의 치료를 위하여 봉독 약침, 뜸 및 한약제의 투여를 이용하였다. 사용 혈위는 GV02-1, GV04, GV11, GV12, GV13, GV14, BL11, BL18, BL23, BL25, BL28, GB21, HT07, KI03, LI04, LU07, SI03, SI06, ST36, ST38, ST39, ST40, ST41, GB30, GB31, GB34, LIV03, SP06 및 압통점($T1{\sim}T4\;and\;T9{\sim}L1$) 이었다. 그 결과, 1차 치료 시 환축은 기립이 불가능하였으며, 사지를 움직이지 못하였다. 그러나 7차, 14차 및 21차 치료 시 점차적인 임상증상의 개선이 관찰되었다. 비록 한방수의학적 방법으로 임상 증상이 완치된 것은 아니지만, 21차 치료 후 임상증상이 일부 호전된 증례이었다.
A 4-year-old castrated male Cocker spaniel was referred with chief complaint of pelvic limbs paralysis and trembling. This dog was diagnosed as a case of myelomalacia complicated with intervertebral disc disease(IVDD) by radiography and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). This patient was treated by injection-AP with apitoxin, herbal medicine and moxibustion. The acupoints such as GV02-1, GV04, GV11, GV12, GV13, GV14, BL11, BL18, BL23, BL25, BL28, GB21, HT07, KI03, LI04, LU07, SI03, SI06, ST36, ST38, ST39, ST40, ST41, GB30, GB31, GB34, Liv03, SP06 and trigger points($T1{\sim}T4\;and\;T9{\sim}L1$) were used for treatment. At the session 1, the dog could not stand and move the limbs. However, gradual improvement of clinical signs was observed after 7, 14 and 21 session of treatment. Although the clinical signs related to pelvic paralysis were not completely abolished with TVM methods, this case showed the marked improvement of clinical signs after 21 sessions of treatment. In conclusion, the present patient was a case with canine myelomalacia complicated with IVDD which showed not so complete but somewhat improvement by TVM method.