개 희석 정액의 다양한 filtration 처리 후 정자평가

Evaluation of Extended Canine Semen after Different Filtration Treatment

  • 김용준 (전북대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 김진영 (전북대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 김수희 (전북대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 이영준 (전북대학교 수의과대학)
  • Kim, Yong-Jun (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Young (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Sue-Hee (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Young-Jun (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


It is important to obtain semen with good quality for efficient fertilization and pregnancy. To obtain these semen, various methods have been developed but most of these methods are time consuming and require costly equipment. Therefore, the objective of this research is to investigate the usability of column filtration system as quick and simple method to get sperm with better quality. Ejaculates were obtained from 5 dogs and analyzed with basic quality parameters before each filtration. Sperm concentration was adjusted to $5{\times}10^7/ml$ after dilution. The experimental groups were divided into non-filtered group(control) and filtered groups(glass wool, Sephadex 5% and Sephadex 20%). Ejaculates were filtered through each filter system and assessed by recovery rate of sperm, motility, normal morphology, CFDA/PI stain and plasma membrane integrity(hypo-osmotic swelling test, HOST). The lowest recovery rate of spermatozoa was recorded in glass wool filtration group, followed by 20% Sephadex filtration group(p<0.05). There was no significant difference between control(non-filtered) and 5% Sephadex filtration poop. Also, there was no significant difference of sperm motility assessed under light microscope among experimental groups. Morphological normality of canine spermatozoa was the highest in the glass wool filtration group and the lowest in the 5% Sephadex filtration group with no significant differences versus 20% Sephadex filtration and control group, respectively(p<0.05). Viability of canine sperm assessed by CFCA/PI staining was the highest in the glass wool filtration poop with no significant difference versus the control group, and the lowest in the 20% Sephadex filtration group with no significant difference versus 5% Sephadex filtration group, respectively(p<0.05). HOS values of canine sperm was the highest in the 20% Sephadex filtration group with no significant difference versus 5% Sephadex filtration group, and the lowest in the control poop with no significant difference versus glass wool filtration group, respectively(p<0.05). Therefore, these results indicated that filtration treatment for extended canine sperm would be useful method to get sperm with better quality by trapping the damaged sperm, consequently filter would be physical barrier against injured or immotile sperm.



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