유능감 강화 체중 조절 프로그램의 효과

The Effects of a Weight Control Program with Competence

  • Seo, Yeong-Mi (Department of Nursing, Jinju Health College) ;
  • Suh, Sun-Lim (College of Nursing, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of a weight control program and compliancy in overweight women. Method: This program was composed of strategies to modify diet and exercise and to change compliance and self determination over an 8 week period. The subjects were 19 overweight women who participated in our project voluntarily. Data was collected from May 4 to Jun 30 of 2007. The program consisted of regular rapid walking exercise, diet, mobile phone messages and e-mail. The data was analyzed by Repeated Measures ANOVA using the SPSS WIN program. Result: According to 3 assessment periods, there were significant differences in body weight, body mass index, and compliance. There were no significant differences in self determination. Conclusion: These findings suggest that more intensive interventions may be needed to demonstrate a change in self determination.



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