한국 디지털 전통색채이미지를 이용한 배색유형 개발

A Development of Color Prototypes Based on Digital Color Image Analysis

  • 이현수 (연세대학교 주건환경학과) ;
  • 김준지 (연세대학교 주건환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


The purpose of this paper is to produce color harmony code based on color harmony prototype in terms of environmental color design. This paper proposes ways of categorizing more accurate color harmony prototype through digital image processing by the computer program called the Color Syntax. The method of analysis adopted in this paper is pixel based color image processing. The study suggests color harmony prototype which are categorized by a color harmony angles. These angles represented internal relations between colors. This study describes development processes of color harmony prototype which is a basis for creating color harmony codes. Development processes of color harmony schema consists of color analysis, color codes generation and color selection. Also, how to analyze color images and to chose suitable harmony color codes among various codes are main research issues. As a final result, 109 color harmony codes have been obtained. These code numbers are suggested through rotating 2 color pairs in a 360-degree arc in the same color harmony angles, the codes which is applicable to the color harmony schema previously developed. This color harmony codes will produce better color environment in a sense that it will help designers to maximally reduce their time consumption, and the results of their designs will also be related to the use of proper color for regional environments.



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