A Study on the Spatial Characteristics of Senior Complexes in Japan

일본 노인복합시설의 유형별 공간특성에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2007.12.31


With a rapid expansion of the elderly population, there is a greater demand for the construction of senior complexes. However, due to a land price increase and insufficient financial resources, accommodating such a demand is challenging. Also, as aging progresses, many elderlies tend to be isolated from local community, because of deteriorating health. As a result, constructing senior complexes is becoming an important community project. The construction of senior complexes in Korea has been started since early 2000, so it is still in the beginning stage in Korea. However, in the case of Japan, they have more experience in building such buildings. Therefore, in this study, 49 senior complexes in Japan were analysed, and the following spatial characteristics were derived. 1. By classifying senior complexes largely into a complex type with similar facilities and a complex type with different facilities, 12 types were derived. Depending on the types of facilities, basic sharing rooms and selectively sharing rooms by need are suggested. 2. Depending on 4 characteristics, such as spatial composition, entrance type, circulation form, and complex facility type, 17 types of senior complexes were derived, and the characteristics of each type are presented.



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