Attitudes & Cognition of Daegu City Residents towards Green Tourism

그린투어리즘에 대한 대구 시민의 태도 및 의식조사 연구

  • Published : 2007.12.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate city residents' attitudes and cognition of Daegu City toward Green Tourism. A Questionnaire survey was conducted in september, 2006. The sum of 515 copies was analyzed. City residents recognized the problems of leisure activities as 'burden of expense', 'lack of program diversity' and the advantages of this as 'withdrawal of stress and increase of vitality', 'promotion of health for themselves and their family'. Among theme experiential activities, they preferred 'health/leports experience' 'traditional food experience', 'traditional culture experience', 'nature-ecological experience', respectively. By the result of cross-table analysis, there are many differences between groups by gender & age. Therefore, further development of specific experiencing activity programs and marketing techniques, are required.



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