Nutrient Intakes and the Physical Activities of the Mentally Retarded Persons According to the Degree of Handicap Who Were Accommodated in Institutions in Andong Area

안동지역 장애인생활시설 거주 정신지체인의 장애등급별 영양섭취와 활동정도

  • Kwon, Jae-Sung (Graduate School of Education, Andong National University) ;
  • Lee, Hye-Sang (Dept of Food & Nutrition, Andong National University)
  • Published : 2007.12.31


This study was conducted to evaluate the nutrient intakes and the physical activities of mentally retarded persons (MRPs) accommodated in welfare institutions. A total of 194 cases of MRPs (130 males and 64 females) were surveyed through interviews of the 35 caregivers of the institutions during the period from March 2 to 12, 2005. The mean age of the 2nd degree is the highest, and the duration of institution stay of the 2nd degree is the longest. There were no significant differences in height, weight, but there were still significant differences in BMI by the degree of handicap. The MRPs with the 1st degree handicap consumed less nutrients than the MRPs with 2nd or 3rd degree handicaps, except for vitamins C and E. The mean activity factor was $1.737{\pm}0.422$ meaning 'active'. Among the comparative groups, the activity factor of the 2nd handicap degree MRPs was the highest. Note that the percentage of protein is the lowest in the case of the 1st degree handicap. The intake of the folic acid, in particular, was less than the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) in case of all the MRPs while that of vitamin C, riboflavin and calcium was less than the EAR in case of $65{\sim}80%$ of the MRPs. MRPs with higher activity factors showed higher intakes of most nutrients except vitamin C. MRPs with higher marks in the 'balanced dietary habit' field showed more nutrient intakes. More consumption of vegetables and fruits by the MRPs was recommended. Also, more efficient dietary guidance was recommended for the MRPs.



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