First Record of Two Perciform Fishes, Pteropsaron evolans (Percophidae) and Xyrichtys verrens (Labridae) from Korea

  • Park, Jeong-Ho (Fisheries Resources Research Team, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Koo (Fisheries Resources Research Team, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Yoon, Young-Seock (Pacificland, Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Heo, Ok-Seok (Pacificland, Co. Ltd.)
  • Published : 2007.12.31


One specimen of the percophid fish, Pteropsaron evolans Jordan and Snyder and two specimens of the labrid fish, Xyrichtys verrens (Jordan and Evermann) were newly collected from Jeju Island of Korea. P. evolans is characterized by having one pair of spines at snout, cheek without scales, and elongated first dorsal fin in male. X. verrens is easily distinguished by having tip of pectoral fin black, many rows of scales on cheek, and an elongated pelvic fin. We describe as new to Korean fish fauna and propose new Korean names, "Sil-nun-tung-i" for the former and "Jang-mi-ok-du-nol-rae-gi" for the latter.



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