Effect of Maleylation on Physicochemical Properties of Soybean Glycinin

  • Shin, Weon-Sun (Department of Food and Nutrition, Hanyang University) ;
  • Park, Soo-Jin (Department of Food and Nutrition, Baewha Women's College) ;
  • Park, Chun-Wuk (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Yong In University) ;
  • Kim, Kang-Sung (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Yong In University)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Soybean proteins appear to harbor a great deal of potential as functional ingredients due to the fact that they are composed of highly bioavailable peptides and amino acids. To develop drink- or gel-type foods formulated with soybean protein, the physicochemical properties of intact and chemically modified soy glycinin were assessed. Maleylation to soy glycinin altered the surface charges of glycinin via the modification of lysine residues, and subsequently generated the dissociation of glycinin subunits owing to the increase in charge repulsion. This modification thus improved the solubility of glycinin, particularly under acidic pH conditions. It is worthy of note that maleylation increased the susceptibility of the basic subunits of mTGase and the formation of a substantial quantity of molecules at a low protein solution concentration. The results of dynamic rheological studies indicated that the 5% intact glycinin progressively formed the gel with mTGase treatment in a concentration-dependent manner, but maleylated-glycinin did not.



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