Small-Scale Chemistry를 적용한 '화학 및 실험' 강좌가 초등 예비 교사의 실험 활동에 대한 태도 및 과학 교수 효능감에 미치는 효과

The Effect of the 'Chemistry and Experiment' Course Employing Small-Scale Chemistry on Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Attitude toward Laboratory Work and Science Teaching Efficacy

  • 발행 : 2007.11.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the 'Chemistry and Experiment' course employing the Small-Scale Chemistry(SSC) experiment on the 30 pre-service elementary teachers' attitude toward laboratory work and their science teaching efficacy. This study also examined the perception of the pre-service elementary teachers about the SSC experiment. In the result, there were found significant interactions between the treatment and prior level in attitude toward laboratory work. The attitude toward laboratory work of low-level pre-service teachers was improved while that of high-level pre-service teachers remained unchanged. However, there was no significant change in their beliefs regarding science teaching efficacy. Through the analysis of questionnaire, it was also found that they had positive perceptions about the SSC experiment, and most of them as pre-service teachers found the SSC experiment helpful to teach chemistry experiments.
