지식 결합을 이용한 서로 다른 모델들의 통합

Integration of Heterogeneous Models with Knowledge Consolidation

  • 발행 : 2007.11.30


For better predictions and classifications in customer recommendation, this study proposes an integrative model that efficiently combines the currently-in-use statistical and artificial intelligence models. In particular, by integrating the models such as Association Rule, Frequency Matrix, and Rule Induction, this study suggests an integrative prediction model. Integrated models consist of four models: ASFM model which combines Association Rule(A) and Frequency Matrix(B), ASRI model which combines Association Rule(A) and Rule Induction(C), FMRI model which combines Frequency Matrix(B) and Rule Induction(C), and ASFMRI model which combines Association Rule(A), Frequency Matrix(B), and Rule Induction(C). The data set for the tests is collected from a convenience store G, which is the number one in its brand in S. Korea. This data set contains sales information on customer transactions from September 1, 2005 to December 7, 2005. About 1,000 transactions are selected for a specific item. Using this data set. it suggests an integrated model predicting whether a customer buys or not buys a specific product for target marketing strategy. The performance of integrated model is compared with that of other models. The results from the experiments show that the performance of integrated model is superior to that of all other models such as Association Rule, Frequency Matrix, and Rule Induction.



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