Integrative Analysis on Service Quality and User Satisfaction of Wired and Mobile Internet: A Case Study in Korea

  • 발행 : 2007.11.30


This paper investigates the relationship of service quality and user satisfaction in the wired and mobile Internet services based on the integrative framework of both systems. Given a moderate level of reliability and validity, the commonly driven dimensions for measuring service quality include responsiveness, assurance, empathy, convenience, usefulness, and diversity. User satisfaction is measurable by the dimensions of communication/entertainment, finance/economics, location/geography, and information/consulting. We apply the MANOVA tests to evaluate whether each of the service quality dimensions has an overall influence on user satisfaction. Next, multiple regression analyses are conducted to check if unique positive effect exists between each combination of service quality dimensions and user satisfaction dimensions. The results show that service quality must be taken care of with respect to the assurance dimension in order to enhance customer satisfaction in the dimensions of location/geography, which will contribute to increasing the utilization of mobile service. For improving user satisfaction in the dimension of information/consulting, service quality must be supported with respect to assurance and empathy in the mobile Internet market, in addition to diversity, which is the only significant service quality in the wired Internet service.



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