건강 쾌적 니트의류가 온열생리반응에 미치는 영향

Thermal Physiological Response of Functional Knitwears for Health and Comfort

  • 발행 : 2007.11.30


The purpose of this study was to evaluate physiological response and subjective sensation of functional knitwears with different materials and designs. The three different types of knitwears were knitted(polar-neck with cotton/chitosan-C, V-neck with cotton/chitosan-CV and polar neck with cotton/chitosan/silver yarn-CS) and evaluated by four healthy female subjects. Eardrum temperature, mean skin temperature, clothing microclimate, and heart rate were measured in climatic chamber($30^{\circ}C$, 50%RH, 0.5m/sec). The results were as follows. 1. Eardrum temperature was generally evaluated as lower in CV and CS than in C. Mean skin temperature was lower in knitwears with silver yarn than in knitwears without silver yarn. 2. Clothing microclimate temperature on the chest was lower in knitwears with silver yarn than in knitwears without silver yarn. 3. Clothing microclimate humidity was generally lower knitwears with silver yarn than knitwears without silver yarn. 4. Heart rate was lower in knitwears with silver yarn than in knitwears without silver yarn and lower in V-neck than in polar neck. 5. Thermal sensation was slightly warmer in knitwears without silver yarn than in knitwears with silver yarn. Overall comfort sensation was evaluated as more comfortable in CV and CS than in C.



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