해송$\times$소나무 $F_1$ 교잡종의 특성

Characteristics of Control-Pollinated Progenies of Pinus thunbergii$\times$P. densiflora

  • 이철호 (국립수목원 산림자원보존과) ;
  • 김규식 (국립수목원 산림자원보존과)
  • Lee, Cheul-Ho (Department of Forest Resources Conservation, Korea National Arboretum) ;
  • Kim, Kyu-Sick (Department of Forest Resources Conservation, Korea National Arboretum)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.30


해송$\times$소나무 인공교배 차대들의 침엽 및 생장특성을 조사하였다. 해송$\times$소나무 교잡종 3, 5, 8년생 수고생장은 조합간에 많은 차이가 있었다. 해송(충남 4)$\times$소나무(강원 29) 조합 3, 5, 8년생의 수고생장이 110, 172, 234cm로 전 조합 평균보다 8%, 9%, 11% 우수하였으며, 교배 모수인 해송 수형목 충남4호와 화분수인 소나무 수형목 경북 5호 보다도 각각 46%, 61% 우수한 생장을 하여 잡종강세 현상으로 생각된다. 해송$\times$소나무 침엽의 수지구지수는 $0.71{\sim}0.89$로서 교배모수인 해송을 더 많이 닮았다.

Seedlings height of hybrids varied depending on mating combinations. Among the progenies from the mating combination, P. thunbergii(CN4)$\times$P. densiflora(KW29) showed the best plant growth. The mean height of this combination was 521 cm at the age of 8 years(yrs), which was 9% higher than rest of the crosses. Seedlings height of progenies using P. thunbergii(JN37) as mother tree showed 28%, 33%, and 29% higher than those of open-pollinated progenies of the mother tree at the ages of 4yrs, 6yrs, and 8yrs, respectively. On the other hand, using P. densiflora (KB5) as father tree showed 45%, 48%, and 32% higher than those of open-pollinated progenies of the father tree. This result may be caused by hybrid vigor.



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