Improvement and Application for Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map(ECVAM) of Nationwide Land in Korea

  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


This study is aiming at improving the Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map(ECVAM) of National Land in Korea. The ECVAM items are composed of legal and environmental/ecological assessments. A popular method applied to ECVAM is an overlay environmental/ecological assessment items. The purpose of this study is to offer complementary items of the ECVAM by examining assessment items. In this study we assessed the ECVAM by five methods. Method 1 is Grade 1 areas of each administrative district; Method 2 is comparing overlapped areas of each assessment items Grade 1, 2 and permission of each assessment items duplication; Method 3 is Grade 1, 2 areas by only singular assessment items; Method 4 is Grade 1 areas only of Method 2; and Method 5 is Grade 2 areas only of Method 2. Method 1 showed Seoul and other metropolitan cities revealed a large proportion of Grade I regions by the legal assessment items. Gang won-Do, showed a large proportion of Grade I regions by the environmental/ecological assessment item. Method 2 showed 93.4% of diameter Grade II(standard for stability); forest diameter item accounted for 99.9% by Method 3, Method 4 showed 95.7% of forest diameter, and forest density accounted for 66.4% by Method 5. This study contributes to reduce the complexity in the process of manufacturing ECVAM of National Land, and to raise the flexibility in the process of managing and updating this map.



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