조직시민행동과 서비스품질 제고방안 : 행동수정모형의 적용을 중심으로

Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Service Quality Promotion using OB Modification

  • 발행 : 2007.10.30


With the radical change of business environment, all service companies' employees are forced to provide many customers with high service quality every day, and the extra role(or organizational citizenship behavior) is more imperative than other industry. The purpose of this paper is to introduce Luthans & Kreitner's Organizational Behavior Modification(OB Mod) model to improve organizational citizenship behavior and service quality. With analyzing the relationships among target behavior(service quality), antecedents(OCB), and consequences(customer satisfaction), this paper reviewed OB Mod's 5 stages; identifying, measuring, functional analysis of the behavior, development of an intervention strategy, evaluation. This model has found to be useful in finding and improving troublesome employee behaviors in USA, but not been verified in Korea. Thus it is recommended to review the difference of organizational culture and practices before introducing the model.



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