LCD 장비 산업의 경영 효율성에 관한 연구

A study on the managemnet Efficiency of LCD Equipment Industry

  • 발행 : 2007.10.30


Everyone knows how much the company business goal is achieved is the most important to all companies. In order to maximize the business performance, many companies have introduced a diversity of management innovation activities. The effect of business performance is important in the business activity, but an efficiency of output-to-input concept is significantly important. Each year, companies have managed the business through a sum of performance. In terms of the efficiency of business performance, the management is importantly managed. In the efficiency of business performance, there are the main items including the total assets, employees, and operating expenses as the input. As the output, there are the main items of sales, current term's net income. This study is intended to calculate the business efficiency through DEA analysis for companies' business performance, and to study in order for the efficiency of business performance to be considered when the companies establish the mid and long term business plan.



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