요인비교법을 통한 물류시설 수요조사에 관한 연구

A Study on the Demand Research for Facilities of Logistics from Factor Comparison

  • 발행 : 2007.10.30


To build a most efficient and competitive warehouse, need to reflect tenants various opinions in advance such as location, rentable size, leasing terms, rental, configuration of the building, building structure, traffic flow and amenities. Thus a survey for major tenants which are logistics, retailers and manufactures should be done to figure out potential demand and marketing strategy to lead to be a competitive warehouse. However above survey is time consuming work and requires high cost involvement thus to avoid such an inefficient process and to facilitate investors prompt and right decision making, there should be a tool which helps to make a decision process easier with simple key factors. In other word, we have used above mentioned 'Demand Approach' so far but here I am introducing 'Factors Comparison' which reflects location factors and facility factors. I derived Kwang-myung logistics park's proper rental rate through 'Demand Approach' which analyzed Seoul Metropolitan area's rental warehouse status and rents, and also defined a size of potential demand area and rental. And this report compared the result with an outcome of 'Factors Comparison' then compared each methods and drew a conclusion of 'Factors Comparion's better convenience and efficiency.



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