Development of Rapid Detection Method for Bacillus Anthrax and Brucella Abortus

탄저균과 부루셀라균의 신속 검출법 개발

  • Choi, Jae-Gu (Department of Environmental & Life Science, Dongnam Health College)
  • 최재구 (동남보건대학 환경생명과학과)
  • Published : 2007.10.30


The livestocks are sometimes infected with pathogenic microorganisms such as bird influenza, brucellosis, pig cholerae, and salmonella. However, it is difficult to predict the outcome of these diseases because the livestocks are mostly raised in the rural areas. Efficient systems for detecting and alerting the onset of livestock diseases are urgently required. In these studies, the fluorescent analysis method, luminescent analysis method, and frequently used gene amplification method (polymerase chain reaction) have been developed in order to detect the pathogenic microbes in the early stages of disease progression. By using these developed systems, damages due to the livestock diseases induced by microbes can be minimized. If we can detect livestock diseases in the early stage, the costs for diagnosis and treatment will be reduced, and the livestock can be quickly recovered.



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