The Relationship between Posing and Solving Arithmetic Word Problems among Chinese Elementary School Children

  • Chen, Limin (Center for Instructional Psychology and Technology Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and Elementary Education College, Tianjin Normal University) ;
  • Van Dooren, Wim (Center for Instructional Psychology and Technology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) ;
  • Chen, Qi (School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University) ;
  • Verschaffel, Lieven (Center for Instructional Psychology and Technology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
  • Published : 2007.03.31


Recent research has documented that there is a close relationship between problem posing and problem solving in arithmetic. However, most studies investigated the relationship between problem posing and problem solving only by means of standard problem situations. In order to overcome that shortcoming, a pilot study with Chinese fourth-graders was done to investigate this relationship using a non-standard, realistic problem situation. The results revealed a significant positive relationship between students' problem posing and solving abilities. Based on that pilot study, a more extensive and systematic ascertaining study was carried out to confirm the observed relationship between problem posing and problem solving among Chinese elementary school children. Results confirmed that there was indeed a close relationship between both skills.
