Synthesis of ZrTiO4 and Ta2Zr6O17 Films by Composition-Combinatorial Approach through Surface Sol-Gel Method and Their Dielectric Properties

  • 발행 : 2007.09.20


Single phases of multi-component oxides films, ZrTiO4 and Ta2Zr6O17, could be synthesized by using the combinatorial approach through surface sol-gel route, coating the appropriate mole ratio of 100 mM zirconium butoxide, tantalum butoxide and titanium butoxide precursors on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si (100) substrate, following pyrolysis at 450 oC, and annealing them at 770 oC. Both the films and bulks of ZrTiO4 and Ta2Zr6O17 showed very stable dielectric properties in temperature range, ?140 to 60 oC, and frequency range, 100 Hz to 1 MHz, promising their applications in wide range of temperatures and frequencies. The dielectric constants of the films were lower and a little more dependent on frequency than those of the bulks. The reduction of dielectric property in the film was mainly due to the interfacial effects that worked as series and parallel-connected capacitances toward the substantial film capacitance.



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