의류(衣類)쇼핑가치(價値)와 쇼 윈도우 디스플레이 유형(類型)에 따른 소비자(消費者) 태도(態度)

Influence of Window Display and Clothing Shopping Value on Consumer Attitude

  • 권혜숙 (상명대학교 디자인 대학 의상 디자인) ;
  • 신은경 (상명대학교 예술 디자인 대학원)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.30


The main findings are as follows: First, both male and female group, image display was showed higher scores than the product display in the dimensions of 'interest' and 'impression, and the product display presented higher scores than the image display in the dimensions of 'information'. Second, in the dimensions of 'interest', more interest was demonstrated in image display for both male and female consumer group irrelevant to clothing shopping values. The pleasure pursuit consumer group of male and female presented more interest toward the both types of window display. Third, in the dimensions of 'information', the product display had more effect for both sex groups and the pleasure pursuit consumer group was seeking more information than the others groups through the window display. Fourth, in the dimensions of 'impression', the image display formed stronger impression and image for both male and female consumer group and the pleasure pursuit group showed higher score of impression formation than the other two groups.



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