RFID 기술을 이용한 한약재 이력관리 방안에 관한 연구

A study of plan for traceability of a Korean herb using RFID technology

  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


Nowadays Korean governments use Information Technology to improve the quality of life for a people. One of these tries is building the Food Tracing System based on Information Technology. Koreans have big concern about food that is good for health. The Food Tracing System means that the system can follows, traces, and records every steps of production and delivery of food and its ingredient. And this process should be identified and grouped by using tags, marks, and other methods. For example, producer of ingredient, processing steps of food, delivered place could be traced. In addition to food, medical herbs need consumer's trust in production and delivery. To trace and prosecute contaminated medical herbs, medical herbs also need this kind of Tracing System based on Information Technology. This study shows current medical herbs tracing ways and RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification) technology trend. As preceding study for future RFID based medical herbs tracing system, this study suggests the building plan and scenario of the Medical Herbs Tracing System. The determination of the main body for sticking RFID Tags is very important to design for RFID Traceability System. In this study, the starting point of information to medical herbs is an inspection agency. The Medical Herbs to product domestically or import moved to an inspection agency. An inspection agency bond the RFID Tags to packing of the Medical Herbs after examining the a basic its component. At the same time inspector give the information of production or importation to the Tags. This Tags are moved for logistical process to end point, the Korean medicine agency. The customer confirmed the traceability and certification information of the Medical Herbs. For success tracing of medical herbs, institutional support and close cooperation between related organizations is necessary besides good system design.
