계단 오르기와 내리기 동안 다축범위(multi-radius) 무릎인공관절 수술자의 운동역학적 비교분석

A Biomechanical Comparative Analysis of the Multi-Radius Total Knee Arthroplastry System for Go up Stair and Go down Stair

  • 발행 : 2006.03.31


The primary purpose of a TKA is to restore normal knee function Therefore, ideally, a TKA should: (a) maintain the natural leverage of the knee joint muscles to ensure generating adequate knee muscle moments to accomplish daily tasks such as rising from climbing stairs; (b) provide adequate knee joint stability. A 16-channel MyoResearch XP EMG system was used to collect the differential input surface electromyography signals VM, VL, RF, BF, ST during climbing/descending stair tests. A Peak Motion Measurement System was used to collect the kinematic and kinetic data. AKIN-COM Ill isokinetic dynamometer was used for EMG of VM, VL, RF, BF and ST during maximal voluntary contraction. I Quadriceps EMG results for the VM of the passed 1year group limb demonstrated significant less RMS EMG than that of the passed 3year group limb $60^{\circ}-15^{\circ}$ of knee flexion(p<0.05). The VL of the passed 1year group limb also demonstrated significants less RMS EMG than that of the passed 3year group limb from $60^{\circ}-45^{\circ}$ of knee flexion(p<0.05). Similar to the VM and VL, the RF of the passed 1year group limb showed less RMS EMG than that of the passed 3year group limb from $60^{\circ}-30^{\circ}$ do knee flexion(p<0.05). Hamstring EMG results for the BF of the passed 1year group limb demonstrated less RMS EMG than that of the passed 3year group limb from $75^{\circ}-15^{\circ}$ of knee flexion(p<0.05). The passed 1year group limb tended to have less ADD displacement(p<0.071) than that of the passed 3year group limb. There was no significant difference of the ABD displacement between the passed 1year group and the passed 3year group limbs(p<0.73). The passed 3year group used compensatory adaptation movement strategies to compensate for the strength deficit of passed 3year group limbs. The passed 3year group limb also increased the quadriceps muscle activation level to produce more knee extension moment to compensate for the short quadriceps moment arm. The passe 3year group limb might have an unstable knee joint in the medio-Iateral direction during the climbing/descending by showing a tendency of more ADD displacement and greater hamming co-activation EMG than the passed 1year group limbs. The TKA design was not able to help the knee joint to produce adequate knee extension moment with less quadriceps muscle effort. I think that old man needs continuous exercise for muscle strength.



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