The purpose of this research was to analyze kinematic variables that appear during the instep shooting motion of female high school soccer players according to the angle of approach to find effective shooting motions. For this experiment, 5 female high school soccer players from the K city were participated in this study as the subject group, and as a through comparison and analysis of the resulting numbers of the variables, we came to the following conclusions. 1) Stride length and stride length/lower extremity length increased as the angle of approach increased. 2) As for C.O.G movement displacement, it was highest at an approach angle of $90^{\circ}$ during Right Foot Contact, at $135^{\circ}$ during Left Foot Contact, at $0^{\circ}$ during Rigth Toe Top, at $45^{\circ}$ during Impact, and at $0^{\circ}$ during Follow through. 3) The time required for each phase was longest at APP and shortest at BSP. The time required increased a little as the angle of approach increased, and the total time required also increased as the angle of approach increased. 4) The angle of the ankle joint was largest at an approach angle of $45^{\circ}$ for all events except Right Foot Contact. 5) The angle of the knee joint was largest at an approach angle of $135^{\circ}$ during Right Foot Contact, at $0^{\circ}$ during Left Foot Contact, at $45^{\circ}$ during Right Toe Top, at $135^{\circ}$ during Impact, and at $90^{\circ}$ during Follow through. 6) The angle of the hip joint was largest at an approach angle of $90^{\circ}$ during Right Foot Contact, at$0^{\circ}$ during Left Foot Contact, at $0^{\circ}$ during Right Toe Top, at $90^{\circ}$ during Impact, and at $0^{\circ}$ during Follow through.