소프트볼 투구 구질에 따른 압력중심 이동패턴의 차이점 분석

Comparative study of CP(center of pressure) Pattern on pitching sort in Softball

  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


This research is to know differentiation of CP(center of pressure) pattern among four pitching sort(straight ball, raise ball, change up ball, drop ball). Subject are three national or junior athletes. We use the one camera, Novel Win pressure measurement system. Conclusions are as follows : 1. When we throw the straight ball, CP of left foot is effective to end movement at middle of foot in body balance on arm angular motion and enhanced speed. 2. When we throw the raise ball, to change CP from middle to post is more effective in order to raise the ball. 3.In drop ball pitching, in order to fall down the ball in front of hitter, CP of left foot move from post foot to interior part of forefoot 4. In change up ball pitching, if CP of left foot move into forefoot, it is a cause of high ball and hitter can recognize the change up ball because of late arm rotation motion.



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