The purpose of this study is to elucidate the mechanical characteristics of lower extremity joint movements at different walking speeds in obese people and suggest the very suitable exercise for obese person's own body weight and basic data for clinical application leading to medical treatment of obesity. This experimental subjects are all males between the ages of 20 and 30, who are classified into two groups according to Body Mass Index(BMI): one group is 15 people with normal body weight and the other 15 obese people. Walking speed is analysed at 3 different speeds ($1.5^m/s$, $1.8^m/s$, $2.1^m/s$) which is increased by $0.3^m/s$ from the standard speed of $1.5^m/s$. We calculated joint moments of lower extremity during stance phase through video recording and platform force measurement.Two-way ANOVA(Analysis of Variance, Mix) is applied to get the difference of moments according to walking speeds between normal and obese groups. Pearson's Correlation Analysis is applied to look into correlation between walking speeds and joint moments in both groups. Significance level of each experiment is set as ${\alpha}=.05$. As walking speed increases maximum ankle plantar flexion moment in the stance phase is smaller in obese group than in normal group, which is suggestive of weak toe push-off during terminal stance in obese group, and the highest maximum ankle plantar flexion moment in obese group during the middle speed walking($1.8^m/s.$). Maximum ankle dorsal flexion moment in obese group is relatively higher than in normal group and this is regarded as a kind of compensatory mechanism to decrease the impact on ankle when heel contacts the floor. Maximum knee flexion and extension moments are both higher in normal group with an increase tendency proportional to walking speed and maximum hip flexion and extension moments higher in obese group. In summary, maximum ankle plantar flexion moment between groups(p<.025), maximum knee moment not in flexion but in extension(p<.001) within each group according to increasing walking speed, and maximum hip flexion and extension moment(p<.001 and p<.004, respectively according to increasing walking speed are statistically significant but knee and hip moments between groups are not. Pearson correlation are different: high correlation coefficients in maximum knee flexion and extension moments, in maximum hip extension moment but not hip flexion, and in maximum ankle dorsal flexion moment but not ankle plantar flexion, in each group. We suspect that equilibrium imbalance develops when the subject increases walking speed and the time is around which he takes his foot off the floor.