배구 레프트 스파이크와 라이트 스파이크 동작에 대한 운동역학적 변인 비교 분석

Analysis of Sports Biomechanical Variable on the Motions of Left and Right Spikes of Volleyball

  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


The purpose of this study was to analyze the Biomechanical elements by looking at the differences on the motions of the right and left spikes of right-handed offense volleyball players, using 3D image analysis and force platform. For that purpose, spike motions of six male university volleyball players were recorded three times each using two 16mm high speed cameras and the speed of recording was set at 60 frames/sec. The coordinated raw data was leveled as 6Hz using low pass filtering method and the calculation of 3D coordinates was done by using a DLT (Direct Linear Transformation) method. Also KWON 3D program was used to analyze the variables. Through the experiments and research, the following results were found: That is, in case of the right spike, the required time from the toss to the impact, which affected the success rate of offense showed as longer and on the take-off, the exact timing to touch the ball was longer because the pace between right and left feet was wider, and also after the jump, the distance between the feet indicated shorter, than the left. In addition, the degree of somersault and horizontal adduction of shoulder joint was smaller and the degree of medial rotation of shoulder joint showed bigger than the left, so it indicated that it was not centered on the body, but by the arm with an axis of shoulder using a swing motion. After the impact, the speed of the ball indicated slower compared to the left spike.



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