3-Dimensional Analysis of the Running Motion in the Max-Velocity Phase and the Fatigue Phase During 400m Sprint by Performed Elementary School Athletes

달리기시 최고 속도 및 피로 구간의 3차원 동작 분석

  • Published : 2006.12.30


This study was conducted to investigate the running motion in the max-velocity phase(150-160m) and the fatigue phase(350-360m) during 400m sprint by performed elementary school athletes. Eighteen elementary school male athletes who achieved at least the 3rd place in the sprint at the Korea Gangwon-Do elementary school track and field meetings during 2004 and 2005 were selected as subjects. The running motions performed by the subjects were recorded using two 8mm high speed cameras at the nominal speed of 100 frames per second. The Direct Linear Transformation technique was adopted from the beginning of filming to the final stage of data extraction. KWON 3D motion analysis package program was used to compute the 3 Dimensional coordinates, smoothing factor in which lowpass filtering method was used and cutoff frequency was 6.0 Hz. The movement patterns during foot touchdown and takeoff for the running stride were related with the biomechanical consideration. Within the limitations of this study it is concluded: In order to increase running velocity, several conditions must be fullfilled at the instant of leg touchdown and takeoff during the fatigue phase(350-360m). First, the body C.O.G(Center of Gravity) height should be raised at the instant of leg touchdown and takeoff during the fatigue phase. Second, the foot contact time should be shortened and the takeoff distance should be increased at the foot takeoff during the fatigue phase. Third, the shank angular velocity with respect to a transverse axis through the center of gravity should be increased during the leg touchdown and takeoff in the fatigue phase. Forth, the active landing style described as clawing the ground with the sole of the foot should be performed during the leg touchdown and takeoff in the fatigue phase) phase. Fifth, In order to increase running velocity in the fatigue phase while taking a slightly greater leg knee angle and body lean angle within the range of the subject's running motion during the fatigue phase would result in greater flight distance.



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