시각장애인의 제자리멀리뛰기 동작에 대한 운동학적 분석

The Kinematic Analysis on The Stand Long Jump of Visually Impaired Persons

  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


This study long jump action to each situation on a chessboard and section of sight disabled person and normal person through third dimension reflex analysis mechanical special quality because do comparative analysis sight disabled person's exercise ability and technology structure of action that run understand. As can do better without danger of injury map and training of exercise item that action that run is included, do offer of pabulum by purpose. Through this study, conclusion is as following. 1. Sight disabled persons' long jump average recording (121.84cm) showing normal persons' average recording (259.27cm) and much differences, show that motion of body is not big to Touch-down from Ready action. 2. Each phase body center composition(r) average speed displayed result that it is more meaning more than Each phase time required. 3. Began in line carriage without body back stretching in 1 situation on Event one are sight disabled persons. Was expose that do not bend enough knee and ankle than normal person in Event two. Was expose that body is not drooped for surface of land in Event three, and knee and ankle were expose that do not unfold easily than normal person. Was expose that do not bend enough on Touch-down knee by relation that can not grasp position of the floor in Event four. 4. When taking off, the average of horizontal speed of body center are 1.80m/sec for blind people and 3.53m/sec for the normal. In this connection, the study shows that the difference of horizontal speed between the blind and the normal is bigger than difference of vertical speed, which are 1.56m/sec for the blind and 1.98m/sec for the normal. Also, composite speed also shows us big difference between 2.41m/sec of the blind and 4.07m/sec of the normal. The speed body center of take-off was expose that average adjuster are big width of deceleration than average - beginning disabled person's average by 2.23m/sec - 1.71m/sec in the vertical speed. 5. If examine change of high and low for z Sign of right hand, change of high and low showed as is small than normal person is sight obstacle, and all hand movements are small and was expose that do not use enough reaction of body as well as in ready action.



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