Dyeing Characteristics and UV Protection Property of Green Tea Dyed Cotton Fabrics - Focusing on the Effect of Chitosan Mordanting Condition-

  • Kim Sin-Hee (Department of Clothing & Textiles, The Catholic University of Korea)
  • 발행 : 2006.09.01


There is increasing interest in the many beneficial aspects of green tea to human such as anti-carcinogenic, anti-aggregant, anti-allergic, anti-bacterial, anti-mutagenic, and anti-oxidant activities. Besides these beneficial aspects, it has been reported that green tea ingredients, especially polyphenolic families (i.e., catechin), have some UV protection property both in vivo and in topical applications. In this study, green tea extract was used as a dyeing stock for cotton and the UV protection property of the dyed cotton fabric was examined. To increase the affinity of cotton fiber to the polyphenolic components in the green tea extract, a natural biopolymer, chitosan, was used as mordanting agent. The effects of chitosan concentration in mordanting on the dyeing characteristics and the UV protection property were examined. Chitosan mordanted green tea dyed cotton showed better dyeing characteristic and higher UV protection property compared with the unmordanted green tea dyed cotton. As the chitosan concentration in mordanting increased, the dyeing efficiency and the UV protection property also increased. Therefore, adapting chitosan mordanting in green tea dyeing can increase the UV protection property of cotton fabrics to some extent.



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