Adaptive Cross-Layer Packet Scheduling Method for Multimedia Services in Wireless Personal Area Networks

  • Published : 2006.09.01


High-rate wireless personal area network (HR-WPAN) has been standardized by the IEEE 802.15.3 task group (TG). To support multimedia services, the IEEE 802.15.3 TG adopts a time-slotted medium access control (MAC) protocol controlled by a central device. In the time division multiple access (TDMA)-based wireless packet networks, the packet scheduling algorithm plays a key role in quality of service (QoS) provisioning for multimedia services. In this paper, we propose an adaptive cross-layer packet scheduling method for the TDMA-based HR-WPAN. Physical channel conditions, MAC protocol, link layer status, random traffic arrival, and QoS requirement are taken into consideration by the proposed packet scheduling method. Performance evaluations are carried out through extensive simulations and significant performance enhancements are observed. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed scheme remains stable regardless of the variable system parameters such as the number of devices (DEVs) and delay bound.



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