경쟁시장에서 컨조인트분석에 기초한 제품포지셔닝에 대한 연구 : 온라인 게임을 중심으로

A Study on Product Positioning based on Conjoint Analysis in a Competitive Market

  • 발행 : 2006.09.01


We introduce a two-stage game theoretic model to support decision making processes for product Positioning and pricing in competitive environment. In the first stage, firms decide on entry and product position, in the second stage, firms compete with price. 'Alpha rule' is used as a choice model. Demand parameters of the choice model are estimated by conjoint analysis. We investigate conditions for the existence of Nash price equilibria in the pricing game. Nash equilibria in the entry and positioning game are produced using a concept of stable sets. An example of the online game industry in Korea is examined.



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