Preference Analysis of the View in an Apartment Unit according to the Location of View Target

조망 대상 위치에 따른 아파트 단위세대 조망 경관 선호 특성 분석

  • 문지원 (경북대학교 대학원 건축공학과) ;
  • 하재명 (경북대학교 공과대학 건축학부)
  • Published : 2006.06.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristic of each view in an apartment unit in terms of the quality. This study was accomplished by two research methods; the field survey on 181 apartment complexes in Daegu, and the preference evaluation on 24 cases sampled in the sense of its location, i.e. inside or outside of a complex. In the field survey, view targets were categorized into various items such as a building, a road, a mountain, a tree, another apartment, the sky, and so on, and the characteristics of the distance from a viewer to view targets and view of the level in an apartment were analyzed. In the preference evaluation, 24 cases, each one has one of the follows; the natural view, the artificial view, and the combined view of the both, were chosen and those were evaluated by 167 interviewees. As a result, the conclusions from the study were drawn as follows; 1) The view, the combination of buildings, roads, mountains, trees, apartments, and the sky, is usually seen in an apartment unit. 2) The type of view target is more significant to a person than its location. 3) The natural and combined view are preferred to the artificial one. 4) In the case of the same outside view, a person likes the open view more than the somewhat covered one.



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